
The word "wirelessly" in black typeface, surrounded by blackout bars

The following erasure poem by Stefanie Low was written for the Art of Erasure series (2021). For more information on the series and how you can participate, check out the call for submissions.

Poet’s note: The source text for “Wirelessly” is my printer’s information page. I used a recycled pencil to draw squares around words I was interested in. I always use pens, but I thought the pencil might help me to get back to beginner’s mind. I just wanted it to be organic and flow, without me trying too hard. Instead of thinking of a theme first, I just let the words sort of light up on the page and then the theme emerged. The word “connect” kept popping up like a mantra. For me, this poem is about the importance of connecting to others, of community, of using our own power to change our environment and our world, and not waiting for anyone else.

Stefanie Low self-published her first chapbook Love, Eris guerilla style at Staples and has just finished her second, Spider Bite Sonnets. Stefanie is passionate about social justice, the environment, LGBTQIA rights, disability rights, and animal issues. Born in New York, she now lives in New Jersey with her husband and five cats.