Category: Essays

Numerous blue and green objects placed close together

Swimming with Trash in the Caribbean

The Caribbean is known for its pristine beaches and tourist spots, but it has increasingly become a dumping ground for the world’s unmanaged garbage. Ysabel Muñoz Martínez charts how “wastescapes” are proliferating in the Anthropocene.

A black and white trail cam shows a Texas ocelot walking past, its coat is speckled and spotted.

Conserving a Ghost Cat

Texas ocelots struggle to survive in the Lower Rio Grande Valley. Shari Wilcox describes her work protecting these elusive wild cats.

The Palate Politics of Eating Kangaroo

Kangatarianism is a growing food movement in Australia that purports to be more ethical and climate-conscious than other meat-eating practices. Sophie Chao uncovers the politics of “eating roo” in an age of climate change.

Badwater (a Kinship Series Essay)

Daegan Miller recounts his close encounter with a buffalo herd and the fraught political history of the Badlands in this essay with audio narration excerpted from Kinship: Belonging in a World of Relations, a five-volume book series.

A red and black frog on a branch in a Colombian forest. These frogs are threatened by the illegal wildlife trade.

For the Love of Frogs

Poison dart frogs in Colombia face threats from deforestation and the illegal wildlife trade. Heather Swan profiles Ivan Lozano, a conservationist who has dedicated his life to breeding and protecting these frogs.

Two people stand in front of a giant statue of Paul Bunyan and Babe the Ox.

Paul Bunyan and Settler Nostalgia in the Northwoods

Kasey Keeler and Ryan Hellenbrand think beyond tourism to show how logging and forestry have impacted a tribal nation in Minnesota—and how storytelling and placemaking can be tools of both colonialism and Indigenous resistance.

Three drawings of a volcano erupting, palm tree and woman standing near the volcano

Visualizing the Volcanic Caribbean

Weaving a reflective essay with a virtual gallery, artist Kwynn Johnson draws upon the rich history of volcano-inspired art to creatively reimagine the twenty-first-century Caribbean landscape.