Category: Exhibits

A parakeet named Punky perched on piano keys. A modified version of a photo by Amyra Moon, March 2011.

Can a Piano Sing a Birdsong?

The French composer Olivier Messaien attempted to reproduce the calls of 80 European birds in a three-hour piece for solo piano. Did he succeed?

Knowing Prairies: An Essay in Comic Form

What can the world’s first restored prairie tell us about living with the land? The University of Wisconsin–Madison Arboretum inspires one artist to reflect on ecological restoration and what we call nature.

The Art of Anxious Environments

Through art, Yayoi Kusama takes an extreme challenge, mental illness, and connects to millions, inviting viewers into the curious and profound beauty of her interior world. Encountering Kusama’s art inspired the author of this essay to reach through her own “a wall of silence” and use art to express her anxious environment.

Mississippi River

Snapshots of the Mississippi

Members of the Edge Effects editorial board share a selection of photos from CHE’s recent Place-Based Workshop on the Mississippi River.