Tagged: Birds

black bird sitting on a tree branch in a green forest

The Strange Love of Cuckoos and Currawongs

Kate Judith shares a creative and speculative story through the vertiginous voices of the cuckoo and currawong, which underscore the tension between parasitism and care. The currawong’s caregiving is marked by both sacrifice and survival, while the cuckoo’s actions highlight a demolishing invasive behavior. This form reflects the complex, often painful exchanges that define interspecies interactions.

colorful game pieces laid out in piles on a tabletop


生态主题桌游架 游或是充满自然之美、富于艺术性,或是寓教于乐,引发对于气候变化、水污染、食物主权等议题的探讨。这里介绍并分析了六款环境主题桌游,希望可以引领你进入一个崭新的桌游世界。

gemma clucas on Georgia island collects poop with an albatross; Seabird Research on Climate Change Impacts and Conservation

Penguins, Puffins, and the Science of Seabird Scat

Erin Hassett speaks with Dr. Gemma Clucas, a researcher at Cornell University who analyzes the poop of penguins and other seabirds to reveal deteriorating ocean health and changing fish population ecology. Dr. Clucas and fellow researchers travel to remote locations to collect the poop from common terns, penguins, puffins, and other seabirds.

Counting Cranes

On the heels of the spring crane migration northward and the Annual Midwest Crane Count, Paul Robbins shares why these birds are such an important part of conservation history in Wisconsin and the U.S.

A young man stands in front of a water landscape at sunset pointing a large microphone with a fluffy grey "dead cat" windscreen off to the right to record environmental sounds.

The Marketplace of Environmental Sounds

How is the musical history of animal imitation caught up in racism, sexism, and imperialist nostalgia? From classical music to whistling, this conversation explores the art and ethics of imitating, recording, and selling the sounds of the nonhuman world.