Tagged: Ideas of Nature

A brown-color bear catches a fish while with its mouth while standing in a river

Reveling in the Gluttony and Glee of Fat Bear Week

Once a fringe event, Fat Bear Week has recently come to the attention of mainstream media. Margaret McGuirk argues that this seemingly frivolous program in fact gives us an opportunity to revel in a queered view of nature.

A Call For Humanities at the Seabed

Inspired by recent debates about deep sea mining, Killian Quigley, Charne Lavery, Laurence Publicover discuss the urgency of what they call a “critical seabed studies.”

Into the Not-So-Wild World of Pokémon

From adorable pets to exotic safaris, the Pokémon universe offers a sprawling jungle gym for players. Writer and gamer Nate Carlin gives a guided tour of what he calls the franchise’s naive ecotopia.

Bog with green vegetation and blue water

Swamp Feelings

Annie Proulx’s 2022 book Fen, Bog, and Swamp is a melancholy love letter to wetland ecosystems. But missing from this lament, Nino McQuown argues, are hopeful histories of resistance.

Small pale pink flower resting on a page of text that reads "Malva neglecta Wallr.—Common Mallow; Cheeses. A Eurasian weed...

A Love Letter to Weeds

Weeds are maligned as useless, or even harmful, plants. But Tabitha Faber has always had an affection for them, and thinks they can teach us something about how communities of all kinds can practice better relationships.

A blue river surrounded by dark green shrubs and grasses on a cloudy day. Industrial buildings sit in the background.

When Wetland Restoration and Big Oil Collide

Walking through the Baytown Nature Center near Houston, Texas, Gardiner Brown traces how this wildlife sanctuary is enmeshed with the local petrochemical industry and makes a case for imperfect restoration.