Tagged: Poetry

bouquet on headstone on grass

Grave Decoration and Deep Time: A Poem

Inspired by embalming practices and artificial flowers in graveyards, Madeleine Bavley pens a poem exploring how we might trouble time with synthetic substances.

Waterfall and a rocky beach on a misty day

A Map of Point Reyes

In this genre-queer meditation on mapping, Tori McCandless interrogates the colonial ramifications of the map while exploring processes of embodied and intertextual mapping that account for the interwoven histories of California’s coast. They ask: how can we know a place through touch and text?

Collage of four photos: spider; lead pipe; laptop screen; orange lichen on tree

Zoom Somatics in Four Poems

Inspired by shared Zoom somatics and careful attention to spiders and lichen, Petra Kuppers offers a collection of four poems about the experience of being with others online amid isolation.

Green and purple ink swirls in water

Be Like Water, An Abolitionist Relationality

What does abolition mean for the everyday ways we relate to ourselves, to other humans, to the land, and to the more-than-human world? In this poetic essay, Ki’Amber Thompson wonders how water—and the call to “be like water”—might change the way we think and talk about abolition.

dense woods with vegetation and flowers on the ground

Beowulf in Teejop

The way early American scholars studied Beowulf reveals their investments in white Anglo-Saxonism and stolen land. Maxwell Gray considers the consequences of white settler scholarship on Native American lands.

aerial view of Jaluit Atoll Lagoon, Marshall Islands

Poet’s Body as Archive Amidst a Rising Ocean

Western media often portrays Pacific Islanders as helpless victims of “sinking islands.” Kuhelika Ghosh shows how Marshallese poet Kathy Jetñil-Kijiner brings performance poetry to climate activism and resistance.