
colorful game pieces laid out in piles on a tabletop


生态主题桌游架 游或是充满自然之美、富于艺术性,或是寓教于乐,引发对于气候变化、水污染、食物主权等议题的探讨。这里介绍并分析了六款环境主题桌游,希望可以引领你进入一个崭新的桌游世界。

The city of Detroit framed behind Belle Isle, a 982-acre island park.

A Living Archive of Wahnabeezee

Talitha Pam investigates the ecocritical function of a visitor notebook placed on Wahnabeezee/Belle Isle, a 982-acre island in the Detroit River.

group of people walking a parade wearing brightly colored clothing, driving a truck with a banner that reads "radical faeries"

Seance, Queer Climate Activism, and the Radical Faeries

Could seance be more than just a party trick? Sam Bean, Alison Schultz, Carmen Warner, and Barbara Leckie unpack its overlooked political history, including how the queer group Radical Faeries used seances to articulate an egalitarian, environmentally-connected identity.

orange sand dunes with camel riders and a blue sky

Living Deserts and Colonial Afterlives: A Conversation with Jill Jarvis

Angeline Peterson interviews Jill Jarvis on her forthcoming book project Signs in the Desert through her journey into studying the Sahara. Discussing a variety of sources, they challenge the view of deserts as empty spaces and highlight the Saraha as a vibrant, interconnected ecosystem suffering the aftermath of colonial violence.