Tagged: History

A young man stands in front of a water landscape at sunset pointing a large microphone with a fluffy grey "dead cat" windscreen off to the right to record environmental sounds.

The Marketplace of Environmental Sounds

How is the musical history of animal imitation caught up in racism, sexism, and imperialist nostalgia? From classical music to whistling, this conversation explores the art and ethics of imitating, recording, and selling the sounds of the nonhuman world.

A young woman in a black and white polka dot dress stands in the woods. She holds a small television in front of her face. The featured image for a post on environmental themes in pop culture.

Watching That? Read This!

Many new movies and TV shows have complex things to say about the entanglement of culture, history, and environment. We recommend the best scholarship to help you decode them.

Two rainbow colored disco balls hanging from a tree with other trees in the background, photographed from below

Queer Camping, Then and Now

A cultural anthropologist explores how queer camping subverts masculine camping culture and supports new queer identities and communities in the outdoors.