Why All Fiction Should Be Climate Fiction: A Conversation with Lauren Groff
How does the celebrated author of the new story collection “Florida” write books in a poisoned, warming world? “By being constantly, constantly angry. All day long.”
How does the celebrated author of the new story collection “Florida” write books in a poisoned, warming world? “By being constantly, constantly angry. All day long.”
Environmental justice is the future of environmental activism. A new documentary reader edited by Christopher Wells chronicles the birth of the environmental justice movement.
In ancient Greece and Rome, birds filled more than the skies. Jeremy Mynott’s new book explores birds in ancient imaginations and the science, pastimes, art, and literature they inspired.
A cultural anthropologist explores how queer camping subverts masculine camping culture and supports new queer identities and communities in the outdoors.
A new generation of experimental poets responds to the growing awareness of human impacts on the planet with work that challenges traditional nature poetry and poetic form.
A photographer explores an aesthetic that finds beauty in the physical alterations people make to natural landscapes, from Yellowstone to a state park in Ohio.
Long before Tide Pods, laundry soap was made from organic ingredients with familiar names and smells. When corporations started selling detergents made from synthetic chemicals, they had to redefine what clean smelled like.
Communal living and artistic experimentation have thrived at the Open City for over forty years. In the face of pollution and environmental degradation, the collective of poets, artists, and a lone ecologist are reimagining green design.
As the climate changes, so does our language. Melting glaciers force us to rethink the metaphors we use to make sense of the world around us.
When a writer joins scientists on a mushroom hunt at a Gilded Age wilderness retreat, she grapples with the exclusions and inequalities that have produced such an ecologically valuable landscape.