Tagged: North America

a field of pine trees burned down with lines in the soil where they once stood

Does the U.S. Have a Fire Problem?

Richard Bednarski connects the forest fires of 1910 to the subsequent media-driven age of fire exclusion policy, despite scientific evidence for fire inclusion. Did years of this practice worsen the United States’s “fire problem” today?

A lone, scraggly tabby cat sits on an urban street, with rumpled fur and a clipped left ear.

What Community Cats Can Teach Us about Multispecies Care

Community cats lead diverse multispecies lives outside of human care, but they should still be valued. Kuhelika Ghosh explores how human stewards can engage in forms of “non-kin” care to help them thrive in their outdoor environments.

A bird's eye image of a single gray whale swimming in the open ocean.

The Ocean’s Beating Hearts

Hilary Clark reflects on how whale watching in Monterey helps reveal important marine multispecies connections—some more unexpected than others.

A blue river surrounded by dark green shrubs and grasses on a cloudy day. Industrial buildings sit in the background.

When Wetland Restoration and Big Oil Collide

Walking through the Baytown Nature Center near Houston, Texas, Gardiner Brown traces how this wildlife sanctuary is enmeshed with the local petrochemical industry and makes a case for imperfect restoration.

A black and white trail cam shows a Texas ocelot walking past, its coat is speckled and spotted.

Conserving a Ghost Cat

Texas ocelots struggle to survive in the Lower Rio Grande Valley. Shari Wilcox describes her work protecting these elusive wild cats.

The Making of ‘Pure Michigan’

Generations of tourists, advertisers, government groups, and environmentalists transformed the Machilimackinac into ‘Pure Michigan.’